Andrea Smith
Andrea Smith
I was going to make a new issue for exactly this, but it would be a duplicate so I'll try to poke this one. I've been encountering the same exact...
Update - I noticed that I do the coastlines differently in my example, so I probably *would* have disappearing coastlines if I just relied on the land feature's edges instead...
Great! Thanks for pulling this together, it has definitely improved my SE experience after the new bar came out :D
@greglucas @trexfeathers Yay, thank you! I'm glad you are considering it! One thing I have noticed is that there does appear to be a funny branch cut in PROJ (for...
Just found this thread because I ran into the issue that not even `.keys()` works - pretty much as expected, but it's a _slightly_ different use-case than above where the...
@Dr-Irv Huh. Thanks for the tip, although it doesn't particularly help on the system of interest. I wonder what is different between the two. FWIW I got around it by...