Vagrant-Setup copied to clipboard
My Vagrant install script
Hello @JeffreyWay I am sorry for contacting you this way. I'd very much like talking to you about a social media project I am currently working on. I already sent...
Running vagrant up on this ends up with an error: ==> default: AH00112: Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/html] does not exist ==> default: AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully...
Updated default document root to the "new" /var/www/html instead of /var/www When I show this more easy start script than Vaprobash to some people they had problems with Laravel setup...
Tweaked the VagrantFile to fetch the official Ubuntu 14.04 LTS box, and removed the code in the shell script to add the ppa:ondrej/php5 repo, as 14.04 ships with PHP 5.5...
Vagrant is already running as root, so the "sudo"s inside of it are unnecessary. See: Specifically, the "privileged" attribute, which in your Vagrantfile, is not set, and therefore...
Not Found error by request of localhost:8080 Add line with search and replace to remove the html in this path. Now the symlink is correct with the path /var/www
Is this possible?
I don't understand. Where do i put the files for the www folder? There's no shared folder for apache? Thanks! And i get an error var/www/html does not exist, at...