Jeffrey Huynh
Jeffrey Huynh
Was getting a lot of errors trying to install psycopg2, fixed it with this command in pycharm terminal -env LDFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" pip install psycopg2
You can create postgres tables that allow for postgis in python code, but using the pgadmin UI for the time being
In order to use postgis extension I need to be a superuser. Getting the following error 'ERROR: permission denied to create extension "postgis" HINT: Must be superuser to create this...
Geometry points in postgis will be displayed as hex. To change the hex into a tuple for a viewable format, you can use the query command - SELECT *, ST_AsText(geom)...
Placed Kafka Consumer config values in the same config file as the Kafka Producer because they shared a lot of similarities. These values can be placed in a Kafka Consumer...
Confluent Kafka has not integrated their consume function yet, so I used the same format from our consumer legacy code. Our consume function has a call back function for flexibility.