Jeff Davis
Jeff Davis
These also do not work in powershell 5.1
Hey @Nitrodist! the x-ray command allows you to view resources in a tree style view The usage is `:xray [Resource]` for example if you use `:xray deployment` you would see...
As far as I know, there isn't one, this feature is unique to k9s. Its just another way to view your kubernetes resources
Running `:xray` by itself won't work, you need to add the resource type you want to view aka `:xray deployment` or `:xray dp` for short
@cawoodm in the short term you could make a small wrapper and put it in your path aka ``` !# /bin/sh microk8s kubectl $@ ```
I am actually curious why the kubectl binary is needed at all since several of the cli-runtimes for kubectl are already being imported, it should be possible to use the...
currently, inject only occurs if no results are found on the query, since exists in your example, inject is not triggered for any of the paths, this functions as...
@scottd018 if I remember correctly you should be able to do multiple inject paths it uses the same object as query but with tighter validation to ensure no wild cards
@ahuffman @scottd018 just I chime in quick injectPath is also required if your query uses wildcards or filters as the inject location needs to be in dot notation to know...
@mminges @conzetti