Results 48 comments of JQ

@tm9161 您好 请问你解决这个问题了么,我也遇到同样的问题了

@JudasDie 您好,把align参数设置成False,就不会出现这个问题了。请问 这个参数会对性能有较大的影响吗?

I overload the solver.cpp to src/caffe/proto,and replace other files to the right path

And what’s the result about your srgan? what‘s the psnr/ssim or photo-realistic?

Could you provide a caffemodel of srgan for us,I can not solver the above problem about make caffe.I really need your help/

Thank you very much 比心``

Hello,I have modified the caffe.proto, add optional int32 pixelshuffler = 4 [default = 1].but it have a error: Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 702:20: Message type "caffe.ReshapeParameter" has no field named...