According to _homebrew_ i upgraded it from 0.4.6 to 0.4.12 but i'm quite sure i updated in between from the tracker itself. About the list of trackers: Yes I assume...
The whole bug is about the difference in placement between the original object and the newly created clone! That means that the bug report can't be closed. I just tested...
Thanks that worked out
My question was about reading, writing from / to file. The question was not about sending the `SysEx` data to a device. The midi specification don't say anything about file...
It shouldn't break as i didn't change anything in the code... Error Message: Desktop file as first argument: "build/appdir/usr/share/applications/*.desktop" ERROR: Desktop file in first argument does not exist! The command...
idea (for later) to get screenresolution (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8690619/how-to-get-screen-resolution-in-c#8690641) and devide the width over 128 (for example) 1280 / 128 = 10 1920 / 128 = 15 3840 / 128 = 30...
How does Luppp understand what to use note# or CC# (and on which channel)? If i read https://github.com/openAVproductions/openAV-Luppp/blob/master/resources/controllers/akai_apc.ctlr . All data is just a single number.
Yes with a small bit of testing i understand what you meant. But from user perspective i would prefer in the assignment page to see 3 (or maybe more depends...
Would GSoC interesting for some improvements of luppp? I think something like midi tracks / other midi bindings would be a good project...
@harryhaaren is this a small change by just add the transport to this files: - https://github.com/openAVproductions/openAV-Luppp/blob/master/src/controller/guicontroller.cxx - https://github.com/openAVproductions/openAV-Luppp/blob/master/src/controller/guicontroller.hxx if so i think i should be able to handle it...