
Results 7 comments of Jedi-Mind-Tricks

It's `snap` only. Have the same issue with *buntu and nvidia 440 drivers. Is this snap, nvidia or even openspades issue?

Oh, you're right! The name is `HDD 64` with a space.

> And does `cd '/run/media/george/HDD 64'` works as well? Yep, no problems with that.

**More info:** if I unmount this HDD, open dialog works.

Okay, I reproduced the bug with another device: - `HDD 64` disk was UNmounted - a USB stick which have label with a space (`UBUNTU 18`) was mounted Stack trace:...

My guess: it crashes while creating the list of disk drives (on the left side of the Open Dialog).

Should I open the issue there (AvaloniaUI repo) and close this one then?