Same problem on Debian Stretch. As last commits are almost 2y old - is this still maintained or should I use your liquidprompt instead? perl -V: > Summary of my...
Additional: DFPM log shows NO tracking attempt (no yellow or red to see anywhere), just infos. Perhaps a side effect of a new chrome release (74)?
Second Addition: Found another case the extension blocked functionality of a site. with active 2FA normally displays a new site/widget with 2FA form field. With DFPM active it only...
I am actually running 1.18 but Paypal 2FA won't show up/work. Protonmail seems back to being functional though.
@Misdirectionmaster Nope, and as the Master-Branch pulls are broken for quite some time I can't really use it any more as it breaks more than it works. Seems I have...
Thanks for getting back! If anything makes no sense to you don't understand why, just ask - perhaps I overlooked something myself. Learned in all those years that one still...
Hi! First, thanks for the quick follow up and an apology heads-up as I didn't check first how "young" the extension still is. Somehow I just assumed (falsely as I...
@nguyenkims Thanks for the quick fix. So the extension shouldn't create an unnecessary API key anymore or it should use it now? ;) I'd test that later, so would be...
Did already create the account by using one of my simplelogin custom domains ;) Yeah I guessed that the extension created the API key itself but in my case it...
To follow up with the extension: is there a beta version already available as a developer sideload or sth alike? Would love to get testing if there's already work done...