Results 13 issues of BingBingJia

**bug提交前阅读** 1.请先阅读【相关问题】,里面有常见问题的解决方案; 2.请先搜索已有的Issues,尝试找到相同问题的讨论; 3.请先阅读相关类的API、源码,尝试从源码找到答案; 4.如果以上步骤都未能解决你的疑问,欢迎提交ISSUE; **bug描述** 请简单描述你的bug现象。 **版本号** 1.HXPhotoPicker版本号:? 2.手机系统版本号:? 3.手机型号:? **复现步骤** 1. 遇到问题的相关效果、类是:? 2.具体的操作步骤是:? **截图、GIF** 提供bug出现时的截图或者GIF。

[source]( Big guy, in the latest version of Gifski 1.6.4, there will be a lot of jagged edges in the GIF generated from the picture with the transparent channel....

ld: illegal data reference in _program_name to thread local variable _program_name in dylib /Users/9haomi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/GIFMakingMastery-hhnhgevidmacokgdcehhmgaebeyz/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/XCFrameworkIntermediates/ffmpeg-kit-ios-full/ffmpegkit.framework/ffmpegkit for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see...


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