Hello i was wondering since there is a way to upgrade the icon of a wand but is there also a way to upgrade the inactive_icon?
### Description Hi, when i restart my server i constantly get this error: https://hastebin.nl/1bFkzL9 any idea what it could be? ### Reproduction Steps Stop or restart the server using /stop...
Would it be possible to add support for modifying offline inventories while using https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/husksync-1-16-1-20-sync-inventories-e-chests-x-server-advancements-map-art-stats-backups.97144/
When using magic on Paper 1.20.4 all lores are italic by default and there is no way to turn it off.
Would it be possible to add support for FancyHolograms? https://github.com/FancyMcPlugins/FancyHolograms/tree/f2fb8d675c1dd056d2936d7226b11ba54858b158
Is there an event that fires when a player casts a fishing rod and when a rod dobber hits the water? if not could those be added? And for the...