Menu of keys for Options?
Finding several hundred duplicate listings (based on exact copy of individual lines.) Why aren't they culled before creating the daily .zip? Separate issue related to duplicate listing: Allow for multiple...
Apparent lack of activity in this repo. Many valid issues documented. No response whether they have even been reviewed. Shouldn't this repo be archived?
Disallow use of spaces or TABS, punctuation, and symbols (*#%, etc.) to embellish the beginning of a station name. This confuses web and app-based language translators. Also at the same...
The current GUI is cumbersome to use, as it looks to be aimed at cellphone users alone without a different appearance for desktop users. Is it fair to criticize that...
Users are using commas instead of creating multiple tags for language and genre (tags) fields creating tags several hundread characters long. The inclusion of dozens of genres is a ludicrous...
Using simple regex to trim query parameters (anything after the ?) from streaming URLS before publishing a submitted station to hinder vandalism. And because this is all free to submit,...
Non-programmer here. Think tank. With the drive to have metadata within a stream provide needed information. And with more stations adopting this, couldn't it be scripted to extract the necessary...
Simply put I'm too old to learn a new temperature scale. Please consider allowing for temp scaling option.
How can I play offline on a Windows PC? I don't know anything about Linux or programming languages. I understand it's HTML5, which I also don't know how to write,...