Hi Dr Palmer, Thanks for the quick reply. Please see below the complete text output on MATLAB command window. ``` Writing data file: C:\Analysis\tmpdata81472.fdt A subdirectory or file C:\amicaResults\ already...
Hi Dr Palmer, At first, I changed my codes to: ``` runamica15(EEG.data,'outdir',participantAmicaFolder,'do_opt_block',1, 'num_models', 1, ... 'do_reject',1,'rejstart',1,'rejint',1,'numrej',15,'rejsig',3, ... 'max_iter',2500,'writestep',50); % load the amica results into EEG EEG.data = eeg_loadamica(EEG.data,participantAmicaFolder); ``` then...
Hey Dr Palmer, ``` >> any(isnan(EEG.data(:))) ans = 0 ``` When I use EEG, I get the mean = NaN , while there are values when I use EEG.data instead....
Sorry for bothering you so much. ``` >> EEG EEG = setname: 'Participant01 resampled' filename: 'Participant01_AveRef.set' filepath: 'C:\Users\Jazelle\Desktop\Experiment\DataProcessing\ExperimentAveRef' subject: '' group: '' condition: '' session: [] comments: 'Original files: C:\Users\Jazelle\Desktop\Experiment\DataProcessing\ExperimentData\Participant...
I tried running AMICA on the school PC and got this,  Not sure how that happened X> % Save dataset (ParticipantNumber_AveRef) EEG = pop_saveset( EEG, 'filename',strcat(name,'_AveRef.set'),'filepath',fullfile(processingFolderPath,'ExperimentAveRef')); EEG = eeg_checkset(...
No, I'm sorry for repeatedly asking for help. Unfortunately, I am still having problems, I have tried on 1 laptop, 1 PC and 1 VM, the application keeps crashing. Seemingly...
Ok. I just tried running 1 data set and it seems to work but it is predicting more than 12 hours to complete each data set. Is there anyway I...