Jay Turakhia
Jay Turakhia
@Wwwsylvia Sure. We tag some containers as "rc" meaning release candidates. It would be great to be able to list fetch these with a regex rather than having a filtering...
Can you please confirm if the workflow file containing Unittests is on master/main/default branch of the repo. Refer - [https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/events-that-trigger-workflows#workflow_run](url)
> > > I also run multiple workflows however I have them broken out in my primary one so I can get alerted if/when one of them fails. I don't...
I understand your setup. Now imagine having 3 more things post build. Like pushing docker containers, publishing nugets, sending slack notifications etc.. This workflow file will keep growing becoming unmanageable....
"Which function you use should change ?" - is a very generic question. Can you please add some more context. Would be happy to help