I also found this problem? Had you solved it?
Thank you for reply. But how to change the model structure ( I am a novice )?
@Duum Thank very much for your reply. But how to do this in detail ? And can you give some advise about the question https://github.com/bgshih/crnn/issues/39
多谢哈,写个文档的话自己思路也更清楚,方便他人阅读。 这个话题我先不关了哈,到时候有文档的话,通知下哈,大家就都知道了。
@tianzhi0549 Thank you very much for your reply ! Is a problem for you ? you have no idea? Do you think the approach in [https://github.com/bgshih/crn](url) can solve the chinese...
@tianzhi0549 But I use it to recognize other image the result is unsatisfied, you can see https://github.com/bgshih/crnn/issues/37 Did you used it?
一般是包的路径的问题:你根据路径做一下修改就可以了。可以ubuntu下面试验下 ``` import sys # for ubuntu run sys.path.insert(0, '../../scrape_search_yy') ```
运行一般就是python main.py 啊 python的不都是这样的吗?
我的是python2.7版本的,你可以把mysql的部分注释掉 至于你说的分布式版本的,你可以网上搜索一下