Jason Zhou

Results 4 comments of Jason Zhou

I'm trying to understand the how does the gasless situation fits here? is gasless only avilable for certain pairs?

Do you guys have api endpoint for the meeting scheduling instead of using your email address? Also i have trouble, for some reason it just show me this even though...

Got it, thanks; Do you guys have api endpoint for the meeting scheduling instead of using your email address?

Just made a quick draft of the landing page structure, the idea is getting people to experience some use case and drive them to build their own; https://www.figma.com/proto/GdRntuQAZWkvNbPTV1VgVm/Chakra-UI-Figma-Kit-(Community)?page-id=2102%3A2109&node-id=2102-2110&viewport=596%2C455%2C0.48&scaling=scale-down-width&starting-point-node-id=2102%3A2110 Let me...