Jiminy Panoz

Results 61 issues of Jiminy Panoz

Could we maybe explore having default contributing/security/support/etc. files for all Readium repos? This is documented in [“Creating a default community health file”](https://help.github.com/en/github/building-a-strong-community/creating-a-default-community-health-file) and each project can override this default if...

Taking the liberty to open this issue as it’s been a TODO in the notes of the agenda of May, 22. For reference, the navigator API ref: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xqx_WJ28OAHAHODrMKZBj0wV1dcqM4420yBXVjZVx8w/edit#heading=h.fgulgr3ctcv5 So it’s...

## Abstract Some clients e.g. Chrome (or Edge and Firefox, albeit in a different manner, and cURL, etc.) will abort if the response header to a request is too big....

As discussed in the Readium Engineering call yesterday (16 January), we have quite a significant amount of test samples in the form of EPUB files: - i18n samples for ReadiumCSS:...

Do we want to provide authors with public guidelines like [iBooks Asset Guide](https://help.apple.com/itc/booksassetguide/) or [Kobo ePub Guidelines](https://github.com/kobolabs/epub-spec)? Documentation is indeed very sparse, which has been a significant and constant issue,...

PR #77 was merged but the doc is still a WIP. Let’s use this issue to keep track of progress/issues/options/etc. Useful links (provided by @ErikHellman) to check: - [Android’s shouldInterceptRequest()](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebViewClient#shouldInterceptRequest(android.webkit.WebView,%20android.webkit.WebResourceRequest))...

Following our previous R2 engineering call, we agreed there would be non-standard metadata to support because it solves practical use cases. We happen to have an EPUB compatibility doc in...

So this is something we very quickly discussed through `localStorage`, and why the origin must be the publication itself – which should be OK if we’re using a localhost, BTW....

**Polyfill** In web development, a polyfill is code that implements a feature on web browsers that do not support the feature. Most often, it refers to a JavaScript library that...

We’re collecting feedback for Readium CSS and some requests may exceed the project’s scope. This issue is intended to list those requests. I assume you’ll open specific issues for requests...
