I am still confused with strings, bytes, runes and characters in Go after reading [Strings, bytes, runes and characters in Go](https://blog.golang.org/strings). Could you consider add some chapters about them? And...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Now cryptofeed is using [market-depth](https://huobiapi.github.io/docs/spot/v1/en/#market-depth) which is snapshot at 1 second interval to fetch L2_BOOK. **Describe the solution you'd like**...
My system is MacOS, using docker to run. ``` $ docker-compose up Successfully tagged blackbird:latest $ docker-compose up Creating blackbird_blackbird_1 ... error ERROR: for blackbird_blackbird_1 Cannot start service blackbird: OCI...
I want to know whether a transaction succeeds in 1 confirmation but `get_confirmed_transaction` will wait about 19 seconds for about 25 confirmations. > Because `get_confirmed_transaction` returns transactions at the finalized...
For a `department` object with a `manager` field, the `manager` can have some built in permissions. In `guardian.core.ObjectPermissionChecker`, `get_perms` will check `user.is_superuser`, I think `is_superuser` can be regard as an...
Fix ajax like_count error by appending `like_count` in `PostLikeAPIToggle`
In #48 , you said: >Create nginx server in settings, use auto-completion in its conf files, start and stop server from Run Configuration settings. Then I create a new `nginx...
Some APIs such as place order need account id, but it's not appropriate to request account id before every placing order request. The [accounts](https://github.com/huobiapi/API_Docs_en/wiki/REST_Reference#account-api) response is like this: ```python {'status':...
I have some scheduler tasks, so I need celery beat to manage them. Like below: Only run `celery -A myproject.celeryconf beat` in one worker, but run `celery worker -A myproject.celeryconf...