
Results 663 comments of Jay

P.S. In the last image (with yellow borders) I do not see a gap between the window and the AOT border. Is that because you made an adjustment, or because...

I don't understand. The radius of the aot border should be larger then the window border. Right? I would _expect_ that every curve has the same **center**: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65828559/191354465-db71e66d-c4e6-46d6-947a-ad1d1dea7259.png) _pink_ =...

I think the yellow one is prettier, yes. But I guess that's personal. I'm curious for a third opinion...

@niels9001 I'm sure you know it, but (in most cases; for `SymbolIcon` or `FontIcon`) we can just use the names - like "settings", "edit", "delete" et cetera - to define...

Hm, again MS changed something... If I read/understand correctly, we can still use the **glyphs** (code-points or names) in the xaml, and the **font** is determined by the app? This...

> The font here [FluentSystemIcons] has very limited support and is currently only planned for use with Flutter projects. ([source](https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons/issues/217#issuecomment-819054439)) So let's not get ahead of things.

Ohhh, that explains. You mean "Sun Valley" (build 21327) with the "segmdl2v2.ttf" font? It is expected to become available in the second half of 2021. But still, a font icon...

Scratch what I said. If i understand correctly, the new font is simply a new version (1.86) of **Segoe MDL2 Assets** (therefore "seg mdl2 v2" in the font file, found...

> going to mark this post stability. It requires us to set up VMs to be sure anything that we do works on all builds of Windows. Sorry, but there...

Yes, finally we're on the same page! 😁🥳 The file I used is actually called "segmdl2v2.ttf", but it's the font **name** that counts. I'll try and work on this soon.