Results 8 issues of Jérôme Beau

**Issue type:** - [ ] question - [ ] bug report - [x] feature request - [ ] documentation issue **nestjs-config version** 0.5.0 **@nestjs/common+core or other package versions** - @nestjs/common:...

Another typical need is to get an answer to "was it the ISS I saw that day?" and so it would be useful to get positions at a given date/time...

When using web components that include links in their shadow DOM, `document.querySelectorAll()` won't find navigo links selectors. A workaround could be to allow the `updatePageLinks` API to take root elements...

Hello, I want to send "search" tracking events from a nodeJS backend. Using `trackBulk`, I send events with `_id, cdt, e_c, e_a, e_n, e_v` successfully (and see them reported in...

### Current Behavior When running `npm ci` on GCP, the build fails with message: ``` The Nx CLI could not find or load the native binary for your supported platform...

type: bug
scope: core

I had the plugin working on my project for a while, then it stopped working with that message: ``` Can't find swiftlint utility here: /opt/homebrew/bin/swiftlint Please check the path in...

### What happened? My goal is to read the href of a anchor link, which should easily be accessible through `const url = await anchorElement.getAttribute("href")`. However when invoking this method...

R-awaiting answer

I installed: - the plugin in AppCode 2020.3 on a Macbook M1 - and CodeClimate CLI using brew for MacOS (it is in the path so I can launch an...