Jacob Jonsson
Jacob Jonsson
Hello @d4l3k, if this is still relevant please rebase on master and we'll review it again. Otherwise we will close it in 14 days.
Hello @RangelReale! We're actually duplicating this code internally as well, so I think it makes sense that we make parts of it public. I'll look into it a bit more...
Please also rebase/fixup commits so that each commit forms one logical and coherent change, incorporate any fix/revert commits to the original commits. Also we use [Conventional Commits] for our commit...
According to http://www.mcu.so/Microcontroller/Automotive/dbc-file-format-documentation_compress.pdf it seems like the comment format to use in DBC files are `(* COMMENT *)`, not `// COMMENT`. We're hesistant to include non-standard behavior, as it could...
But maybe we should add a MWE in README.md to show that the import path is indeed `go.einride.tech/can`?