Jasper Snoek
Jasper Snoek
You should mark those as "constraint violations" (take a look at this paper for details: http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.5607). This is implemented in GPConstrainedEIChooser.py https://github.com/JasperSnoek/spearmint/blob/master/spearmint/spearmint/chooser/GPConstrainedEIChooser.py Hope that helps! On Wed, Jul 20, 2016...
I'm starting to setup a web interface (actually Jeff Rose submitted it and I'm iterating on it) to display various statistics and a useful list of completed experiments, etc. If...
Ok done and done. I need to think of a nicer way of visualizing the noise - but it's there.
Yes, that value is the variance of the noise. Jasper On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 6:33 AM, JohnReid [email protected] wrote: > Now I'm beginning to suspect that it is...
Aha, that's interesting! This should actually be fine. I have messed around with strategies like this as well. The chooser will not alter the state of the grid. Each time...
Hi Dave, this seemingly really simple example actually exhibits some properties that are difficult to model using standard Gaussian processes and regression in general. In particular, you have discontinuities (the...
Change the input bounds of your problem to be the log of the original bounds. Then when spearmint returns a value, use the exp() of that. Hope that helps! Jasper...
Hey Julien, no problem. In that paper we treated integers as continuous numbers within the Bayesian optimization and then rounded them off when they were returned to the user. Jasper...
It sounds like the model is having trouble fitting the function values. In this implementation, we assumed that the observations were a relatively smooth function of the integers. If that...
Simply because it was straightforward to write a small amount of code that submitted jobs on sun grid engine with all the output redirects, etc. using python's subprocess library. However,...