Jason Pekos
Jason Pekos
Just chiming in to say that I often encounter a similar bug when using bayesplot: ``` Error in grid.Call(C_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y, : polygon edge not found ``` This bug...
Ok, found [this](https://community.rstudio.com/t/comeback-of-the-infamous-error-in-grid-call-c-textbounds-as-graphicsannot-x-label-x-x-x-y-polygon-edge-not-found-bug/54555) ... seems like for me, it's probably a really crazy concurrency bug with quartz. I'm not sure why ggplot still works for me without the bayesplot theme,...
There's a pretty terrible hack, but if anyone is desperate: 1) pick a method that's invariant to edge structure and non-random, e.g. `:circular`. 2) plot your graph with the first...
followup: if you want this specific feature, you might be better off using [GraphMakie](http://juliaplots.org/GraphMakie.jl/stable/generated/plots/) as of Jul 2022. It seems a little more feature complete here.
agree that this is very frustrating ... I found that clicking on the bullet containing the drawing instead of trying to edit it in the full page fixes the cursor...
@jgabry I'm not sure if this will help you narrow it down, but I see the issue whenever I use the BayesPlot `+ theme_default()`, even if I'm not calling a...
Ok I actually have the problem currently in an interactive R session, here's a quick test: I can take the above code: ``` plot
If this helps anyone narrow it down: I can test different output formats with: ```r ggsave(filename = "something.extension", plot = plotname) ``` The following don't work: - `.png` - `.jpeg`...
Good compromise could be putting those setup codes in collapsible code chunks (maybe collapsed as default)? Same for e.g. the full manifest that's at the bottom of the tutorial pages.