Jason Barnabe

Results 97 issues of Jason Barnabe

Sphinx 3.3.1 thinking-sphinx 5.5.1 Ruby 3.2.2 Rails 7.0.8 Not sure if this is a sphinx thing or just a "that's just how it works" thing... I have a cron job...

## Meta Capybara Version: 3.39.2 Driver Information (and browser if relevant): selenium-driver 4.12.0, Chrome ## Expected Behavior With `Capybara.raise_server_errors = true`, I expect the output of my tests to include...

Using the blacklist strategy and ``` table 'mytable' do primary_key 'id' anonymize('this_column_doesnt_exist').using(FieldStrategy::RandomEmail.new('example', 'com')) end ``` No error or warning, it just proceeds as if everything is fine. It should raise...

After cloning the repo and installing the gems, I get this running the tests: ``` ~/data-anonymization (master) $ rspec [Coveralls] Set up the SimpleCov formatter. [Coveralls] Using SimpleCov's default settings....

Given `n` rows processed in `m` batches, currently `3n` statements are sent to the DB for updates: `BEGIN`, `UPDATE`, `COMMIT`. If the updates were wrapped in a transaction, then it...

https://github.com/patricklindsay/wice_grid/blob/1edf927578c28c5574fb61daf2974a12aff15eb3/spec/acceptance_helper.rb#L17 It's supposed to be saving screenshots on failure, but it doesn't. That combined with a headless driver makes it hard to tell what's going on sometimes.

help wanted
test suite

The links to sort columns and paginate all have `href` attributes. "Show all" and "back to paginated view" do not. This makes it harder to do custom behaviour like have...

Clicking the CSV export button should only to do CSV export. It should not allow the event the bubble up and do other things too.

help wanted

``` g.column name: 'Amount', class: 'numeric' do |o| o.amount end ``` The header `th` gets `class="numeric numeric"`. `td` is fine.

help wanted

Make wice_grid's JS available for use with webpacker.

help wanted