Jason Barnabe

Results 97 issues of Jason Barnabe

semantic-ui-less 2.4.1 less 3.9.0 Running in a Rails 5.2 app using webpacker 3.5.5. https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-LESS/blob/e4395217c1b8b3227c7387284d12f2d9774d33c6/themes/default/elements/step.variables#L98 ``` @borderWidth: 1px; @attachedHorizontalOffset: -@borderWidth; @attachedWidth: calc(100% + (-@attachedHorizontalOffset * 2)); ``` results in `@attachedWidth` being...

No offense reported ```ruby before_action { @my_var = 'foo' } ``` Offense reported ```ruby def self.add_my_before_action before_action { @my_var = 'foo' } end add_my_before_action ```

Allow passing the option rule_set_exception to CSSParser per https://github.com/premailer/css_parser/issues/125.

I have a rake task that simulates a request to my server. I use this as part of a deploy script as a sanity check to ensure the code I'm...

```ruby # Note single quotes - \n is not a line break. puts Diffy::Diff.new('foo\nbar', 'boo\nfar').to_s(:html) ``` Expected: ```html foo\nbar boo\nfar ``` Actual: ```html foo bar boo far ```

Diffy 3.0.6 Ruby 2.1.3 diffutils 3.3 https://github.com/samg/diffy#overriding-the-command-line-options-passed-to-diff claims ``` >> puts Diffy::Diff.new(" foo\nbar\n", "foo\nbar\n", :diff => "-w") foo bar ``` But when I try: ``` 2.1.3p242 :001 > puts Diffy::Diff.new("...

https://guides.rubyonrails.org/working_with_javascript_in_rails.html#turbo https://github.com/hotwired/turbo-rails/blob/main/UPGRADING.md#upgrading-from-rails-ujs--turbolinks-to-turbo

A bidi character or something? https://greasyfork.org/en/users/289439-%F0%AA%9A%A5%F0%A7%AE%A6%F0%A9%99%A1%E4%A8%BB

Can they be made to work to log in with the same account on Greasy? Or should I just remove the option?