Jason Jia

Results 6 issues of Jason Jia

When I used the "arc" and "breeze" theme for my application and maximized the application window, it suddenly seemed to slow down, but there was nothing wrong with my computer!...


![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65878611/173167755-3936657d-0201-4fc4-a506-7dd4fe5feafc.png) I'm trying to override the operater < with my struct `params`. However, cling gives me an error. The code is in the seperate cell. What is wrong? How can...

I followed the installation instructions and the installer reported that I have successfully installed both models - Llama and Mistral. However when I started the `app-launcher.bat` file, it said: ```...

I've been reading the book and strictly following the code examples. But I think there's something wrong with the code in chapter 10, when training a model using CNN to...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65878611/178980564-c61f40e7-45f0-406a-9162-4768a3f28cd2.png) 试了好几次了,可是小熊猫直接跳过了我的断点,根本没来得及让我调试——我用的是最新稳定版的小熊猫Dev-c++,用的MINGW(我在尝试用高精度计算斐波那契数列) 请问是我的程序出了问题,还是小熊猫的事?

上传文件时(看了之前issue后修改了代码,可以成功),文件传上去了,但是在删除临时文件的时候,显示PermissionError: [WinError 32] 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。