What format your dataset and where can I download?
In ssd config file I found this line. "deeptraining_hands/model/ssd_handsnet_checkpoints/model.ckpt-..." So, is it do you means "ssd_mobilenet_checkpoints" folder in your repo?
How can I compare the result of SSD and YOLO with mAP metric in hand object detection? How can I get mAP value of these two models?
./darknet detector train /path/to/model.data path/to/model.cfg path/to/weights In here, which value weights can I use to train YOLO for hand (darknet19_448.conv.23 or yolov3-tiny.weights)?
Can I use that method for missing joints in pose estimation?
Hello, How can I get the mapIdx value for Hand?
After extracting hand or face keypoints, how to save these keypoints as json file?
I got this error when I run your demo.py "OSError: Failed to interpret file 'sample/gen_epoch_500.npz' as a pickle" How to fix it?
How to train using MPII only 2D dataset(mpii_poses.npy)? Is it the same with H36M? When I train using MPII dataset, I got this error: `Expect: x0.shape == x1.shape Actual: (16,...