Jared Sprague
Jared Sprague
Hello! I'm trying to use lol_html as an HTML parser to extract all content within an element, it's inner HTML. However I haven't figured out the right methods for this...
I would love to use this theme but the syntax highlighting is broken. Example: https://jmschrack.dev/Dark-Portfolio-Template-11ty/posts/firstpost/ There is no syntax highlighting, all the text is just white.
generate just the api endpoint parts of the .spashiprc.yaml file, so a user can just copy paste it to get it started.
Currently in the Manager under Environments the API endpoints have the path to the version like this: https://spaship-api-cpops-catalog-dev.ext.us-west.dc.preprod.paas.redhat.com/api/v1 But the .spashiprc.yml file only want's it configured with just the hostname...
## Describe the bug: I tried to delete a spa and get this error message: curl -X DELETE https://spaship-api-cpops-dev.ext.us-west.dc.preprod.paas.redhat.com/api/v1/applications/DemoSpaTop -H 'X-API-Key: 31cbe308-2df8-4398-9c5b-ea39c7cd0efd' {"status":"fail","message":"Application named DemoSpaTop not found."} ## Steps to...
## Describe the bug: When deploying a spa with a new name but the same path as an existing spa you get a duplicate key error from mongo, because the...
Spas paths should always have a leading / at the beginning. If a spa is deployed without a leading slash, assume they ment to put one and pre-pend it when...
Currently in the API docs the {name} is used as the key to delete an app. Since this is not unique, it's not a good identifire, since there can be...
We need the ability to delete a SPA through the UI. I think this can be done with a "DELETE" button when you view the details of a spa. When...
## Describe the bug: I tried to deploy through the cli the catalog app with the following spaship.yaml ``` # SPAship config file # generated by @spaship/common.config v0.10.0 name: CatalogSPA...