Volodymyr Avetisian
Volodymyr Avetisian
Unity (5.6.2f1) Project Settings for ios build: Scripting Backend: IL2CPP Api Compatibility Level: .NET 2.0 Server: .NET Framework 3.5
So, about serialized data for the test. ErrorSystem.Exception: Can`t parse packet, length:138 new byte[] { 131, 165, 95, 116, 121, 112, 101, 187, 80, 114, 111, 116, 111, 99, 111,...
There is no type information for Point type because I used custom serializer, I think. Here's the example which gives the exception too. public class Decoration { public int BuildingId;...
'Protocol' assembly didn't specify in link.xml. I have problem just with generic type Point. I will try it and write about a result.
Should I use your last commit for the check is it stable changes?
May you show the example how should correctly Packet types link with Unity project? Also how correctly build dll with your last commit for Unity project? Just add info into...
Thanks for the answer. We use one protocol project. Client-side is Unity and server-side .net framework 3.5.
Hi, @deniszykov. Yes, I saw. Thank you. Can you tell what target in nuget has AotRuntime = true in MetadataReflection class?
> We identified a problem with too many connection multiplexer instances being created. Now that we've fixed that we're seeing more acceptable RawResult[] #'s/memory usage. Hi @ShaneCourtrille. Can you get...
@chucklu This is not exactly what I need. I need to close the connection if the client does not send anything within 10 seconds.