
Results 48 issues of JannikGM

`@value` statements (https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules/blob/master/docs/values-variables.md) are missing from the imported types. There doesn't appear to be any documentation or issue about this (yet). --- **Is your feature request related to a problem?...

Some remarks: - GitHub-markdown changed, or some code-blocks in the README were always broken. Syntax-highlighting was added (only some blocks had it). - Replaced URLs with new equivalents. For gh-pages,...

A CI system should be considered to keep gh-pages updated. For example, despite being more than 3 years old, [this patch](https://github.com/benvanik/WebGL-Inspector/pull/150/commits/45bc8a660cbdef62f77e887800e82d5e88abc033) never made it into gh-pages or any released version....

#### Background I've originally reported a bug on Slack: https://deckgl.slack.com/archives/C34AC5MSQ/p1676629109034669 The picking functions were used by the mapbox event handlers before deck was fully initialized (which will be fixed by...

### Website or app / ### Repro steps Create an element with a key like `Foo\n\n\n\nBar\n\n\n\nBaz` and it will occupy multiple lines in the component tab. ``` Hello React. Hello...

Type: Bug
Component: Developer Tools

https://rete.js.org/#/examples/reroute The original 2 key-points are moveable by the user, however movement stops working after manually creating a key-point. Steps to reproduce: - Open https://rete.js.org/#/examples/reroute - Click and hold +...

On https://rete.js.org/#/examples/task Creating a second (disconnected) "Mouse event" breaks the example, because both mouse components operate on the same event handler, so the second mouse-event steals the handler.

Unable to tap: ``` $ brew tap danielbayley/adobe Updating Homebrew... ==> Tapping danielbayley/adobe Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/danielbayley/homebrew-adobe'... remote: Enumerating objects: 20, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (20/20), done. remote: Compressing objects:...