
Results 48 issues of JannikGM

These 2 expressions seem easy to implement and could be quite powerful: - https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js-docs/style-spec/expressions/#slice - https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js-docs/style-spec/expressions/#index-of There are other unsupported expressions, but none seem as powerful and easy to implement.

In desktop GL, there's `glPushDebugGroup` and `glPopDebugGroup` which work similar to `window.spector.setMarker` and `window.spector.clearMarker`. However, the GL way of doing it is better, because it's structured. It's possible to contain...

Ideally, there'd also be an "Save texture to file" button as part of the sidebar / image preview, to make it easier to view these textures in external tools. Right...

I'm currently adding WebGL cleanup routines to our code and required tooling to display not only how much memory is leaking, but also where it leaked from. This is a...

We have a couple of RGBA textures which have alpha = 0.0 for the majority of the pixels, but it contains important information in the RGB channels. It's currently impossible...

*(I'm still new to web-development and webpack, so please inform me if any of the following is already possible somehow!)* - Operating System: macOS 11.2.3 - Node Version: v10.15.3 -...

Here's a minimal reproduction case: https://github.com/JannikGM/luma.gl-bug It's based on https://luma.gl/docs/getting-started/hello-triangle and uses luma.gl 8.4.5 at the time of writing. I'm using the brightnessContrast shader module to manipulate the output color...

This URL is no longer valid: https://github.com/visgl/luma.gl/blob/e0df967b7442c98263f5888bf711bc4e5f629191/test/apps/pbr/mesh.js#L432 A working link (in an older tagged revision) is: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Viewer/glTF-WebGL-PBR-final/textures/brdfLUT.png

This is mentioned in https://github.com/bodymovin/bodymovin-extension/issues/14#issuecomment-496721458 and https://github.com/bodymovin/bodymovin-extension/issues/29#issuecomment-561933278, however, I feel it doesn't stress the severity of this issue. It took me a couple of days to realize what was happening,...

I'd have thought that the "Reports" feature would report failures during export (such as #57 or unsupported features). However, my report always remains empty. The "Import Report" button also implies...