Jannik Brand
Jannik Brand
This is probably not related to an OpenSearch issue but to the permission setup of Data Prepper. I am not using the OpenSearch admin user but my own defined user...
@dlvenable I only tested sending the unsupported fields via gRPC. Correct, the OTel metrics source does not seem to accept unknown fields (tested via grpcurl) and responds with an error....
> Since data prepper is failing when it can not build the opensearch sink it would be good to include/recommend in the examples how one is supposed to deal with...
curl is now supported again (checked with version 2.6.0)
When querying the alerts via `GET _plugins/_alerting/monitors/alerts?monitorId=`, this is a sample output (with OS 2.12.): The monitor was running 1 day, many alerts are send successfully while other alerts are...