Jannik Heym
Jannik Heym
Looking at `opnsense/unbound_dns.go`, it looks like the fields `mem`, `num`, `unwanted`, `msg`, `rrset`, `infra`, `key`, `dnscrypt_shared_secret` and `dnscrypt_nonce` are missing from the data object in the sample response of @andresanches....
Maybe I missed a setting, but the thing with IPv6 is, that it terminates at the application (for example your web server). Therefore if I only want to configure my...
That is exactly my goal. I got to say im still kind of new to OPNSense. I'd like to have everything Network related on a dedicated OPNSense box, so that...
I kind of hacked together a little script. It is not the best, but works for me. Sadly i don't have my ddclient.conf at hand. There you need to add...
Hi @vincentdelitz, is there a big difference between implementing passkey support for iOS and MacOS? If they share some OS-APIs, it would be cool if the package could easily support...
> > Hi @vincentdelitz, > > is there a big difference between implementing passkey support for iOS and MacOS? If they share some OS-APIs, it would be cool if the...