Thanks for the prompt response, Anne, and sorry I'm slow getting back to you. I'll try to stay more on top of this. The requirement in the first of our...
It's kind of funny--but we filed this issue at the suggestion of W3C's Web Platforms WG. APA had comments on the W3C Push API, and we were told our use...
Anne, W3C APA's telecon is Wednesdays at Noon Boston, currently 16:00 UTC. Would that work? I'd like to propose Wednesday 11 October at that time, if that works for you....
Peter, your participation would be most welcome. And, Anne, your need to be present for the birth of your child certainly takes precedence! Let's hold for the 11th for now....
Telecon logistics and agenda for our call tomorrow, Wednesday 11 October at 17:00 UTC are provided at: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2017Oct/0017.html Please note we're also on IRC, which is important to W3C process....
Minutes from our teleconference are available at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2017Oct/0025.html
This is a good catch and worthy of followup. We have sometimes called similar circumstances "situational disabilities." Most persons who encounter disabling circumstances in certain situations would not consider themselves...
Thanks, Addison, and thanks to your I18N colleagues. We've redrafted the relevant paragraph and hope we've captured your comment. The rewrite is the last paragraph at this section in the...
Thank you. This language now in the Editor's Draft. Sorry it didn't make it for the wide review publication. r12a writes: > The new text is: > > > Clearly,...
Hi, Addison Phillips writes: > I agree with @r12a's suggestions. They're now in the Editor's Draft. My bad for not catching them in time for the wide review publication. Sorry!...