Jan Pokorný

Results 39 comments of Jan Pokorný

You should report it at https://github.com/FriendsOfGalaxy/galaxy-integration-steam/issues

This should be ipv6 only, haven't tested: http://tracker.ipv6tracker.ru/announce

@ngosang Outdated lists can be created pretty easily now, just copy the current list 😄 Also, look at how many project are on GitHub and how many of them are...

@janos-r Having a non-NF variant is covered by #2550. I believe that having the Nerd Font variant as the default is the way to go: practically all the other "fancy...

@janos-r I don't get your aversion to NF. Just to be sure, are you aware that NF is not a specific font, but rather a "font patch" applicable to any...

@segevfiner Doesn't Starship also use Powerline symbols for Git (ie the branch symbol)? Powerline is a font mod (included in NerdFonts -- NF aggregates Powerline, Font Awesome and some more)....

@inlikealion You can use a different font for the terminal and editor in VSCode. And you can have NF and non-NF variants of fonts installed alongside. Also even if you...

One relevant thing I have discovered is that JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, CLion, Rider, ...) don't support emoji in the built-in terminal on Linux. (Their issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-248010) Nerd Fonts...

Ad the debate about patched fonts -- it turns out many modern tools support font substitution, which means you can simply install the [NerdFonts symbols only](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/2.2.0-RC/NerdFontsSymbolsOnly.zip) font and the symbols...

@chrmarti As you can see in point 2, I specifically construct a `DISPLAY` and `XAUTHORITY` to be used within the docker container, using the IP address `` which in Docker's...