Jan Červák
Jan Červák
No solution planned? A year later, issue still the same (vsicons 12.7.0, vs code 1.86.2)
@JimiC, the provided link describes how to add a _user_ icon to be used by vscode-icons. I want just to "revert back" to ordinary folder icon for a folder named...
> Let me get this clear. You want the default folder icon to be shown for a folder named `scripts`, right? Naturally.
@JimiC, absolutely, I want to _customize_ the visual appearance, unfortunately you are not suggesting [Customization](https://github.com/vscode-icons/vscode-icons/wiki/Customization), but [Custom Icons](https://github.com/vscode-icons/vscode-icons/wiki/Custom) wiki page. Anyway, your described solution might be a working workaround. Fortunately,...