Hello, can you tell me where are the training weights? I cant find them while training.
Sorry, I mean the training weights not pretained weights. The common situation is that when you finished one epoch, the model evaluates on the val dataset and saves a weight....
Oh, I know my mistake. The first epoch is epoch1 rather than epoch0. So the model actually have not finished 1 epoch and saved weights. Thanks for your timely reply.
I trained one epoch and got similar results to yours. Then the training was interrupted.  The first epoch's loss seems to be abnormal. When I trained MonoDepth2, the loss...
> > 我训练了一个纪元,得到了与你相似的结果。然后训练被打断了。 第一个纪元的损失似乎是不正常的。当我训练 MonoDepth2 时,损失迅速下降。你有没有遇到过同样的问题? > > May I ask if you have successfully reproduced this project. In the process of reproduction,the evaluation results of the model after training...
> Actually the EPE is not designed by author, it is a common index just like RMSE. In original Paper, the author writes"Training loss we use the endpoint error the...