James Sample
James Sample
A suggestion rather than an issue. I've recently been using PySheds to delineate watersheds on some fairly large grids (a few hundred million to around a billion cells). The generated...
Is there a limit to the size of the grids that can be handled by the slope calculations in `rd.TerrainAttribute`? I'm attempting to calculate a slope map from the [ArcticDEM](https://www.pgc.umn.edu/data/arcticdem/)...
#### ALL software version info I'm on Windows, but using the Jupyter Docker stacks i.e. JupyterLab running within an Ubuntu Docker container. The following Dockerfile creates an environment to reproduce...
Not sure whether this belongs here or on the main [Voyager2](https://github.com/vega/voyager) repository? Is it possible to add support for semi-colon separated files, please? Voyager currently supports comma- and tab- separated...
I'm trying to use the functionality recently introduced in v2.7.0, where `geo.upload_style` can accept XML instead of an SLD file path (I think this was added about 2 months ago...
### Possible enhancement/feature request Would it be possible to filter integer columns to a specific value, as well as having the option to use the range slider (as currently available)....