
Results 3 issues of JamesRBrown

It seems that the tokens for the -o / --output are failing. In the provided example: ytdl -o "{author.name} - {title}" "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HSylqgVYQI" The output filename is saved as: {author.name} -...

ytdl does not default to highest quality, it defaults to 360p, and it doesn't seem to want to take any sort of parameter to tell it to do differently. It...

I recommend the default video name be changed from: `output = '{videoDetails.title}';` title.format to: `output = '{videoDetails.publishDate} - {videoDetails.author.name} - {videoDetails.title}';` published_date_YYYYMMDD - channel_name - title.format This way all the...