James Messinger

Results 5 issues of James Messinger

Glossary ------------------------ An "extended object" is a JSON object that has other properties in addition to `$ref`. For example: ```json { "name": "additional name property", "$ref": "#/some/reference" } ``` >...


When serializing an array of objects using the `dump()` or `safeDump()` methods, js-yaml currently produces output like this: ```yaml customers: - name: John Doe age: 40 something: some value anotherThing:...

I know this project has been taken over by @bramski (https://github.com/bramski/angular-indexedDB), but GitHub won't let me post an issue on that fork, so I'm posting it here instead. Currently, the...

Right now, Swagger Express Middleware focuses on providing mock _implementations_ rather than mock _data_, but there's no reason it couldn't do both. It already does a _little_ bit of mock-data...


Rehype URL Inspector includes a few [default URL rules](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/rehype-url-inspector/blob/35c5701d4a3c3f607056eda23f25253924e62d56/src/selectors.ts#L18-L30) and some [default extractors](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/rehype-url-inspector/blob/35c5701d4a3c3f607056eda23f25253924e62d56/src/extractors.ts) to find URLs inside JSON blobs or `` tags. But there are some URL attributes that aren't...

help wanted
good first issue