James Partington
James Partington
**Describe the bug** When using Safari (even on private window), when sending a message in the `on_chat_start` callback the message frequently does not appear (over 90% of the time). Works...
**Describe the Bug** Extract method fails when parsing arguments with snake case ``` jsonData = {'urls': urls, **params} request_data = { **jsonData, 'allowExternalLinks': params.get('allow_external_links', params.get('allowExternalLinks', False)), 'enableWebSearch': params.get('enable_web_search', params.get('enableWebSearch', False)),...
**Describe the Bug** The method uses dictionaries methods on a typed pydantic model instance ``` def extract(self, urls: List[str], params: Optional[ExtractParams] = None) -> Any: """ Extracts information from a...