I think this is fixed? Can you try this again for me?
Edit: Tagged the post and fixed the formatting. @Powerentity you are going to have to be a little more descriptive in what you are referring two. However, I do have...
Yea like Dabaski said, this would require significantly changing altoclef. Meloweh I believe has his own baritone for that release. I would love to see structure support, but it is...
There seems to be a few different issues from the log file. In order to isolate this, I need you to provide a more specific steps to Reproduce so I...
There seems to be a few different issues from the log file. In order to isolate this, I need you to provide a more specific steps to Reproduce so I...
Here is a good example https://github.com/gaucho-matrero/altoclef/issues/248
Thank you for the videos. This seems to be related to using container stlye blocks, such as furnaces, or interact blocks such as beds. If the bot has something in...
This is caused by the bots inventory getting full of items it wants to protect. Im not sure if it happens when the inventory is mostly full. It shouldn't, but...
It should be easy to get the bot to aquire torches, but to place them is more difficult. Are you still working on this? If we can update the issue,...
This isn't really a bug. The bot is not designed to work with enchantments yet, so it will have issues with enhancements like silk touch that change the block drops.