rt 直接在清单文件写id吗?
MBP M1版本 Sonoma 14.1 (23B74) Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 TheRouter插件版本1.2.6 JDK 17.0.9 [heapReport20240304-173907.txt](https://github.com/HuolalaTech/hll-wp-therouter-android/files/14479585/heapReport20240304-173907.txt) [idea.log](https://github.com/HuolalaTech/hll-wp-therouter-android/files/14479587/idea.log)
I need to give the user feedback (vibration or text change) when dragging starts, please open the onDragStarted callback LongPressDraggable Widget
### Feature Does it support selecting months in the calendar? I checked the API and there is no content that can be set to click on the month separately ###...