This engine is listed on https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/games/engines. It seems to be built on top of MonoGame.
In the fields casing guide it shows: `int packagePrivate;` In C#, when you leave off the access modifier, I believe members default to private, unlike java, which defaults to package...
Context: https://go.dev/tour/moretypes/ I think it would be really beneficial to describe the idiomatic Go way of doing something like enums from other languages, (using constants wrapped in (), or using...
This book https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-java/ seems quite good, and it's free. While it seems high quality, I'm not really an expert, so I'm not sure, so you might want to skim it...
'Learn lua in 15 minutes' seems to be an older link to the authors blog. The page on learnxinyminutes.com was actually submitted by Tyler Neylon (the creator of 'learn lua...