
Results 4 issues of JamalEH

Dear Team, In the user manual of Whippet it is stated the following regarding the generation of sam files: julia bin/whippet-quant.jl fwd_file.fastq.gz --sam > fwd_file.sam samtools view -bS fwd_file.sam >...

Dear Team, I run Whippet on my paired-end, unstranded, polyA+ RNA-seq dataset. The dataset is of 75bp length (all reads in all samples have this length) and performed in triplicates...

Dear Tim, I would like to make an MA plot showing dPSI and gene/event expression relationships. In the PSI files there is a Total Reads column. Should I use the...

Dear Team, I was wandering if we could remove the single isoform genes prior to runing differential AS analysis, since only multi-isoforms genes are subjected to AS changes. Would this...