Sam Stenvall

Results 211 comments of Sam Stenvall

@perexg any chance to get this merged? It makes it easier to keep the project alive since it makes rebuilding the firmware much easier.

This project is limited to a specific type of hardware, so it's not really that easy to port to a different box. It wouldn't really make much sense either since...

There isn't really a team behind this I'm afraid. I maintain a fork which keeps things up to date, but that's about it. If boot times are an issue then...

Honestly no, I've never tried building Enigma myself, much less modifying it.

I think you need a Unicable programmer to reprogram the LNBs to use different frequencies. I don't have one so I haven't been able to try such a setup myself.

AFAIK `senddsq` simply sends commands from a file to the LNB. There's no UI or anything like that for doing the actual programming.

Fixed in version 1.10.4, sorry that it took forever! See for how to update

Not really, I just stumbled upon "current sensor anomaly" when connecting a charger to the battery while discharging. Learned that the ESP can be forced to disconnect from Bluetooth to...

I'll try to find some time to test this soon