Sam Stenvall

Results 211 comments of Sam Stenvall

So everything is working despite those log messages?

USB sticks are auto-mounted on `/media/USB_DISK/`. It should be possibly to simply place files there, then issue a reboot. Not sure if `reboot` works or if you need to physically...

I don't see why it would boot to the original firmware?

If the goal is unattended firmware upgrades then one solution is of course to connect the box to a smart plug, and then issue a cold reboot by toggling the...

@perexg not sure if you read your notifications anymore but it would be nice to get this project rolling again. I can take a limited maintainer role if it's okay...

Awesome! I've noticed that a lot of the currently open issues in this repository are really minisatip issues, and most of them should be closed and referred to minisatip's issue...

@perexg I pushed some more commits that I've been carrying around

Didn't see this issue until now. Let's continue in seems like it selects the frontend.

it's not worth trying to get tvheadend running on the Digibit R1. Use it as a plain SAT>IP server and you'll be much happier with its performance.