Zohar Jackson

Results 10 issues of Zohar Jackson

Thanks for the awesome library! This project would be more awesome if the documentation was better. A link to a demo, installation instructions and a bower package would make a...

I am trying to figure out about how much disk space I need to set this up with all the data. This will probably be useful for others aswell Thanks.

It would be nice to have an example that was not 200 lines long. Its pretty hard to follow the example code

After grunt build the CSS file tries to find `glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff` in `fonts/` instead of in `bower_components/`. I am therefore getting a 404 error `GET http://localhost:9001/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff 404 (Not Found)` See similar...

It would be really useful for there to be a command to be able to remove and rename a partials/modules/directives etc... For example: `yo cg-angular:module my-module --delete`

I am trying to run this query ``` queryset = models.Company.objects queryset = queryset.filter(addresses__location__approx_distance_lt=((latitude, longitude), radius)) ``` but I am getting the following error `FieldError: Unsupported lookup 'approx_distance_lt' for GeohashField...

Hi, Is there any interest in making an AngularJS version of this? Thanks

It would be very useful to have a method that allowed one to enque and not error if the queue is locked. Instead it should wait for it to unlock...

Thanks for the great API and product! It would be awesome if there was support for asynchronous api calls. **Use Case:** When charging a user's credit card over my REST...

type: community enhancement
status: help wanted