Jake Stanger
Jake Stanger
Hey @zedfrigg I've seen you've been working on a NM module in [your own fork](https://github.com/Zedfrigg/ironbar/tree/feat/networkmanager). Do you have plans to merge that into the upstream? If not, can I take...
Awesome! In that case I'll assign this issue to you. That's a big undertaking so I really appreciate it. Let me know if you need a hand, or if you're...
Yes, it sounds like it's in a good enough state that we can look into merging what's there and then work on improvements. We can just open an issue for...
I think something is better than nothing at this stage, so long as it works reliably. It will be worth brainstorming a roadmap of sorts for this to make sure...
I think we use it to track progress, as this isn't where I'd want it to be to consider it a complete module. I'd like to see the module make...
This sounds feasible, happy to add this to ensure there's parity between the modules.
This is currently not possible, but it'd make sense to add.
From a quick glance through the GTK API docs, this [*may* be possible](https://developer-old.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkCssProvider.html#GtkCssSectionType) if I can easily parse the imports. The file watcher watches the stylesheet's parent directory for changes...
Cheers for that, good to know it's at least possible. It looks like they just pull out the import paths with a regex. I'd prefer to...not do that if possible...
It isn't clear to me how this should work - what is the connection between workspaces and windows here? Could you use an existing program like this to achieve this...