Jaiden Ashmore

Results 8 issues of Jaiden Ashmore

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am working on a Typescript React App and currently use [StorybookJS](https://storybook.js.org/) to be able to test my components over...


As the AWS SDK changed in V2 the existing SQS brave instrumentation needed to be updated to the latest API. This is mostly a copy of [SendMessageTracingRequestHandler](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-aws/blob/master/brave-instrumentation/aws-java-sdk-sqs/src/main/java/brave/instrumentation/aws/sqs/SendMessageTracingRequestHandler.java) but with some...

The existing support for tracing via message attributes of an SQS message only appear to support the v1 API and it would be great to have v2 support, see https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-aws/tree/master/brave-instrumentation/aws-java-sdk-sqs...

This is dependent on https://github.com/JaidenAshmore/java-dynamic-sqs-listener/issues/348 being completed.


The core message listeners have the ability to interrupt messages currently being processed which works with synchronous message listeners by interrupting the thread. This doesnt work for asynchronous listeners as...


Lombok has the disadvantage when developers look at the source files of the library that they get a big warning about the source file not matching the actual code. I...

engineering task

Currently the documentation is laid out like: - Core - Feature1 - Feature2 - Spring - Feature1 - Feature2 It should instead just be: - Feature1 - Feature2 Where each...


It would be great to create a GitHub pages to allow people to more easily navigate the documentation than doing it in the repository. https://docs.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/creating-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll#creating-your-site