Jedd Dryden
Jedd Dryden
We really living in 2022 and still having this issue.
This would definitely be nice to have, has any progress been made on this addition so far or does it need someone to take the lead?
I would also like to use this feature, it is a dealbreaker forcing me to use other tools. In my scenario, we have around 8 containers (microservices) we are wanting...
I may take a look into swapping things over to another self-contained crate if I have the time, would a pull request doing this be accepted @joepio?
> I have never used VS Code Dev Containers so I have no insight into that part. I'm not sure that there's any Leptos-specific setup that needs to be done...
> @Jaffa-Cakes feel free to put up a PR. @rakshith-ravi I'd be happy to put work towards another PR if @gbj can confirm it would likely be accepted.
> @KatTomrushka Will the Flathub/Snap package support only rootless mode or both root and rootless? Rootless support would be amazing in addition to support for root. I regularly use rootless...